Sprout has been doing so much lately! A few days after her birthday she took her first step! We are now up to about 10 steps in a row. That is still a rarity at the moment but I am sure she it wont be long. She also has 3 new teeth coming through. This has been causing some serious issues at night! Last night was easily the roughest night we have had in a VERY long time. She would only sleep for about 2 hours before screaming! And nothing would comfort her. Tonight thankfully she has been asleep since 7.
Sleeping in her couch that we got her for her first birthday!
Another new thing is that we have been going poop on the potty for about 2 weeks now! And today she gave me an added surprise of actually peeing on the potty too! I am not potty training her right now and in all reality she is not ready to be "Trained" but I see no harm in getting her used to the potty now so that when it is time to really train her it will be hopefully pretty easy!
Finally, ever since just before she turned one, Sprout has been showing her displeasure in the most annoying way. You all know it, The Tantrum! She will throw herself backwards and end up hitting her head on the floor and then actually be hurt. Normally I just ignore this since she will eventually learn that she will not get what she wants when she acts that way. For now I just have to grit my teeth and teach her what she should be doing or not getting in to, or not standing on her new couch, or her personal favorite, emptying the draws and cupboards(that are locked!). Or this new favorite, unrolling a whole roll of toilet paper!
Just wearing my pearls while playing, No big deal.
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