
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cloth Diapering!

Now before I go in to my topic for this post I know everyone is wondering how Sprout is doing and what she is up to! She is pretty darn amazing!She is walking more and more everyday! She goes down the stairs by herself. She will climb in her highchair when it is time to eat. She says thank you ALL the time! I love how sweet she is! She LOVES swim class! I took her last week and we had SO much fun! She loves putting things from one place to another and then back where they were. Now for the "bad" (I say bad because they are not things I would like to stay around forever) things going on. All of a sudden I can not go up/downstairs with out her, No matter how cold that basement floor is! She will freak out if I am on a different floor... She now screams along with her cry all the while throwing herself backwards when she is mad. (We are in a new lovely LEEP) She has suddenly decided that her bed and being all alone in it to go to bed really sucks and will not go to sleep unless she is in our room on Daddy's side. I know all of these things are just phases and she will quickly grow out of them but right now when I am on only 4 hours of sleep and I have been up since before 8, the tunnel seems VERY dark. But all in all She is doing great, learning tons and is happy and health!

Ok so on to my real post! Cloth Diapering!!!! I LOVE IT! I love that my baby doesn't have to wear pants and she still looks like she is fully dressed. I love that I am SAVING SO MUCH MONEY!! I love that she LOVES to play with them and pick which one she wears next. I love that they are SO EASY!!! Here are a few pictures of some of my stash! 
My few non BumGenius Diapers

Night time diapers... These are much more fluffy for being on the bum for 12 hours

Some of my beautiful BumGenius Diapers

Don't you just love the colors! I have more colors but they were getting washed. One day I will have a full stash shot!

When I told my family that we decided we were going to cloth diaper I am sure they though I was crazy and looked at me like I had 3 heads. But what every one was remembering was the prefolds with safety pins and plastic pants... the soaking you had to do to was the diapers and just how much harder it was back then. 

So when my aunt's and uncles surprised Cody and I with our sprinkle on Christmas and I opened my over night diapers I was very excited to get one opened and show them what it was all about! They soon realized how AWESOME and EASY it is now to cloth diaper! For the most part they work just like disposables you just throw them in your washer instead!

I use mostly pocket diapers or All-in-One diapers called Freetime. The pocket diapers look like this on the inside:
The left is a pocket not stuffed and the right is one that is stuffed! 

This is the insert that I use to stuff my diapers... really absorbant! 

Now the Diapers I use are One sized diapers. This means that I can use them from the time baby is 9 lbs until they are potty trained. The wight limit is 35 lbs I believe!! That is pretty awesome in my books! The one on the left is for when baby is older and the left is for when baby is just a newbie! 
Now they come in either snaps (left) or in Velcro(right) I really like Velcro because you can get any kind of fit you need. What I don't like about Velcro is that little Miss Sprout has figured out how to pull them off!!! I really like Snap as well since she can not pull them apart and it does take a bit of effort to undo them! I am going to convert all my Velcro to snaps here soon! 

Now this lovely diaper is a All-in-One diaper. As its name indicates eveything you need for a diaper change is all in this one diaper! There is no stuffing or pulling out pee soaked inserts when washing! You just throw it in the washer and let it go! 
All folded up.

What it looks like when it is open. You fold over the two layers and put it on baby!

Now to the part that seems to gross the most people out washing the diapers! For me I am really lucky since Sprout is now pooping on the potty I no longer have poppy diapers! But when I did have poppy diapers you just get as much of the poop off of them and then they go in the was as well. 

My wash routine goes like so! I do a cold rinse cycle then a hot wash cycle and 2-3 rinse cycles after the was. It is really easy! I use Rockin Green Laundry soap since you can only use certain detergents on cloth diapers. I have enough diapers to last me about 2 days so I do diaper laundry every two days or so! See easy- peasy! 

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