
Friday, March 21, 2014

A week in review!

So a mom friend of mine has started to do this a week in review and I though I would give it a try!

So Saturday we had swim class and I took here again. We had so much fun! She has started to get the concept of kicking! She also like to "Jump" off the edge of the pool. She sits on the edge and leans until she falls in. She is so eager to get in the water I Have to hold her back so she doesn't crawl/walk to get in by herself!

We bought a new grill this weekend and I finally got to use it for the first time! A new thing I have learned about Ginny is that we have entered a new phase of life... The " You Can't Walk Away, Turn Away, Leave Me To Go Put Food On The Grill (even though I can see you) phase of life.... I will cry until you come back This is not so much for Mom!

Since having tubes put in her ears, Sprout has been having a huge verbal explosion! She now say Hi, Bye- Bye, Mama, Dada, All Done, Uh-Oh, Cheese, Grandma, Grampa, Nana, and Papa, and a few sentences as well... Of course they all deal with Dad. They are Hi Dada, Bye Dada, and Dada Bye-bye.

She is learning so much! She knows where her head is, she can blow kisses, and has started singing along when I sing songs! She is walking SO much more and just loves to "help" me when I am making banners!

Thursday we went out to Cody's parents and we got to see the cows and of course Edward and Moko! But I think the animal Sprout LOVES the most is Snicky... the cat! She was trying so hard to get to her but Snicky is just way to quick and nimble for Sprout!

 Here are a few new products in my Etsy Shop Growing Up Sprout

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