
Monday, March 24, 2014

5 things I love about Sprout!

1. How you need me! You will not always need to rely on me for your every need. You will grow and become much more independent and take care of yourself. You will never need me like you need me today. You count on me to take care of you and teach you new things about the crazy world we live in.

2. Your voice! Your voice is one of the sweetest things in the world to me! Your voice is a high pitched little call from up above. When you say "Hi Mama!" My soul just melts with happiness. I love our car rides where all you do is say Hi the whole trip! You say so much more about your Dad right now... You said Daddy for the first time the other day. Your dad and I both looked at each other in shock!

Singing along with Peg + Cat

3. Your laugh. From your little random giggles that I hear through out the day to your full on belly laugh, I love hearing you be SO happy and enjoying life! 90% of the time your laugh makes me laugh and then you laugh even more. But one of the laughs that I LOVE the most is when you are playing with your dad! It is one of the sweetest sounds I could ever hear. Also when you laugh my heart just melts in a giant puddle!

4. Your little hands. I love how your little hands grab my finger as we walk through a store. How they grab my face so you can turn it to give me a kiss. How your little hands search out for me in your sleep and finally, how those little hands work so hard to learn new things every day!

5. Your.... Independence/ stubbornness. As much as some days you push every single button I have, I love how you wont give in if something is important enough to you! I hope you never lose that part of you. It will lead you well in your life! I love that you won't give up when trying to figure something out. you try and try and try until you get it right.

There is so much more that I love about you. I could go on for days! But right now I will keep it to just 5.

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