
Monday, September 30, 2013

Busy Weekend!

This past weekend was really busy! Saturday Sprout and I did a ton of running around. We first stopped at my moms to give her Sprout's 7 months pictures, then there were 3 mom to mom sales and we went to them all! I did really well if I do say myself! I got 4 full outfits, 4 tops, 3 Jackets, 2 sets of sweats, 1 dress, i pair of jeans, a pair of pjs, and 2 toys! All for less then $70!!1

 Also we went to my Nana and Papa's house to give them their pictures but to also with my Papa a happy birthday! While we were there we took Sprout outside to play since it was so gorgeous again. We took her on the slide and swing. She was not too sure about the slide and LOVED the swing!

That was all on only Saturday! Then Sunday we went out to Cody's parents to see them (and do a few loads of laundry. I will not miss not having a washer and dryer when we move!) We also we to sears to look at some things for the new place!

Finally when we got home Sprout has now pretty much perfected the art of  pulling herself up. As we were putting stuff away Cody comes into the living room and I hear him say " What are you standing up for? I know that is not how you were a minute ago!" It is crazy how fast she is learning new things! It looks like she will be walking by 9 months if not before. Just like her dad, has to beat when the Dr's say she will be walking by!

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