Hello all! I have decided to jump in to the blogging world. My name is Ashley, I'm 25 and I am a Stay-at-home-mom. Some other identifiers I relate to are wife, daughter
, crafter, baker and cook, teacher, and student. I want this blog to be a modern version of a baby book for my little one and future little ones. Also I want this to be a place for family and friend to keep up with our day to day lives that I don't get to see as much as I would like to.
Genevieve "aka Sprout" is now 7 months old. She was born February 14, 2013. She came into this world early, and of course like any of my future children, with a BANG! She was 4 lbs 15 oz and 18.5 inches long. I'll get to my birth story in another post, this post is for the new beginnings of right now.
We are in the middle of A LOT of new beginning! Cody and I just gained a new Sister-In-Law, we went on our first family vacation (North and South Carolina! So much fun!!!) , Sprout had her first flight, Cody got a promotion at work, and we are moving in November!
New things for Sprout are starting table foods (Last night she had cooked carrots, brown rice, and pumpkin puree. She did AMAZING!) She has been doing a version of crawling for over a month now and yesterday for the first time she pulled herself up to standing in her pack-n-play. Which is not good since we still have her in the bassinet part of the pack-n-play. Guess I need to drop her down :( We are still working on sitting up without falling. The pedi said that it will take her longer to learn how to sit since she is already crawling. Sprouts way of seeing it is " Why should I just sit her when I can go and get what I want?"
We had to go to the Dr's to recheck her ears since she got an ear infection right before we flew to South Carolina. At 7 months she now weighs 13 lbs 4 oz! Which is so much more then where we started with her.
Thanks for reading! I know I have a lot to learn and much to say!
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