So FINALLY here we go!
It was February 8th and I was 36 weeks and 5 days. I was at the dr's and had already done my NST. I was just waiting for my Growth Scan and Bio-Physical. I was expecting everything to be just fine as the one 2 days before was just perfect. When I got back in the ultrasound room they took my blood pressure and it was REALLY high. Normally they took my BP after the US as well because it would come done. Well after the US Sprout was measuring at 32 week. Almost 5 weeks behind what she should be! When they took my BP it was again REALLY high. The nurse said to me " Be ready to go upstairs." So here I am freaking out I called Cody and told him. I told him to keep getting ready for work just in case I was sent home after all. Finally after what seemed like a lifetime the Dr. came in and said that since I so close to 37 weeks, they were going to send me home and on Tuesday when I was full term they were going to start and induction. My induction was scheduled for 5 PM on the 11th.
So I get home and start packing for the hospital while Cody was at work.Over the weekend we got the apartment ready the rest of the way. I went to a local thrift store and went searching for a preemie outfit since Sprout was measuring at only 4 lbs and 6 ozs. so I knew her coming home outfit would not fit her ( Cody insisted I bring it to the hospital with us anyways) We went out to his parents place to see them and do some last min laundry, we had dinner with my mom and her partner. You know all the stuff you want/need to do just to make sure everything is done.
That Tuesday we went to Olive Garden for lunch with my Dad since I was preparing myself not being able to eat for the next few days. After lunch we headed to the hospital. We got there a bit early and sat in the truck just talking. At 4:50 we went and headed up to the 5th floor to start my induction. We were told by security to have a seat and they will come get me soon. About 15 minutes later the officer got a call saying it will be another 15 minutes as they are still getting my room ready. Finally at 5:30 we get in to my room. No one ever tells you they ask you a MILLION questions when you get in! so after they get done with all the questions they put in my IV and hooked up my belly, they let me know I can have dinner. I was very surprised to say the least. That night they tried Cytotec to kick start my labor. After my family left for the night Cody and I settled down to go to bed praying this has started my labor. At around 4 AM on Wednesday the Dr came and checked me and it did not work at all! So they tried another round of Cytotec plus they started me on Pitocin. I was having contractions but I could not feel them. They kept increasing my dose of Pitocin, I was at a 14 and still really could not feel them. At 5 PM the Dr. came in again to check me and she said I was maybe a finger tip dilated. UGH! So the next option was to break my water in hopes to kick start this labor that really wasn't happening on its own. So they break my water and holy crap! When they say it feels like you are peeing yourself, they were being nice! There was so much fluid that I went in to the bathroom until it was done. After that was done I got back into bed and at around 8 PM in went the third Cytotec. I was thinking if it didn't work the first two times this time wasn't going to work either! They decided to take me of the pitocin over night and see what happened. In the morning I was checked again and still nothing. I was put back on the pitocin. I could feel some contractions at this point but not much. Finally at around 3 PM on Thursday aka Valentines Day, the Dr. came in and said that since I was not progressing that it would be the safest route to go ahead with a C-Section. I agreed as I was done with this fake labor I was in and all I wanted was to hold my baby and see if she was okay. So my C-Section was scheduled for 5:30.
We actually got in their early at around 5:15. It was so strange to me. I have never had anything medially major happen to me beside breaking my elbow. This room I went in to was so bright. With the white walls and all of the equipment that was silver the light was reflecting everywhere. The get me up on the table and I am sitting ready to get my epidural when all of a sudden I have a complete and total melt down. My nurse was AWESOME! She got me to calm down and just relax. They finally got the epidural in after about 10 minutes of trying. They laid me down and put up the curtain. I was so relieved to see Cody walking through the doors. Then at 5:52 PM I heard the most wonderful, amazing, miraculous sound ever! Genevieve Caroline Grace Smith came out with a loud, healthy cry. For the second time that day I broke down crying. I was just so worried that her lungs wouldn't be developed enough, she wouldn't weigh enough, or something else was wrong that she would have to go to the NICU. My itty bitty fighter did not have to go to the NICU for one minute! I am SO proud to be able to say that. Cody was the first to hold her and then he brought her over to me. People say there is no love like a mother's love, but for me that did not even explain the overwhelming of emotions I had at that moment when I first got to hold her as they were patching me up. After about 5 minutes I could feel that I was about to get sick so I handed her off to Cody and he took her and went to the recovery room. it took them almost an hour and a half to put me back together.
When I was finally out of surgery I went to the recovery room and all of our parents and my grandparents go to see Genevieve for the first time. Just the love in the room was amazing and I would not have changed my birth for anything now.
Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing :)