
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Dinner

Sunday dinners were never part of my childhood. I would like to change that with Sprout. I want her to remember when she was little the excitement of going to see her grandparents on Sunday and it be a day of family. Today we went out to my dads for dinner. It was AMAZING! This morning we also went to see my mom and Renea since they had not seen Sprout since before we left for vacation to North Carolina ( Need to remember to post about that too!).

Dad made chicken and stake enchiladas, and some new potatoes he created. The great thing about dad is when ever we come over he makes a TON of food for us so we have some to take home. I love this because it makes it easier on me during the week when dinner time comes around and I have no idea what I am going to make. The evenings are very fast for me. Cody is at work, I am watching Sprouts friend until her dad comes and gets her, I feed both girls dinner most nights and then sprout is ready for bath by 7 and in bed asleep by 7:30 (most nights). So it is a bit hard for me to make this elaborate dinner every night. So again another reason I love my dad and when he cooks for us.
Grampa and Sprout
Helping mom doing laundry.
Isn't she just too cute!!!

New topic (since I am ADHD and all it's kind of hard to stick to one topic)

Cody and I celebrated our one year anniversary yesterday!!!! Since he had to go to work by 3 we decided we would go out to lunch. Cody chose Finley's. YUM!! We ordered our food and Cody got some beefy tomatoes soup. Well we were given the okay to start giving Sprout table foods so I said to Cody he could try and give her some. She went crazy over it! She would not let Cody take a bit of his soup! She also finally started signing "more" (I have been working on sign language with her for about 2-3 months now and this is the first word she has signed!!!) 
Daddy and Sprout at Finley's

Did you have Sunday dinner growing up? Or any other Sunday traditions? Leave me a comment!

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