
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Silly Baby!

So over Christmas I got walking pneumonia and was really sick... well since then with all of my coughing Sprout has learned how to fake cough! Oh and she thinks she is HILARIOUS! Oh and she loves to do this squeal now days!
She also Stood Up for the FIRST time yesterday without holding on to anything! She though she was leaning against me and when she realized she was not she slowly lowered herself down to the ground! My little chicken! 

While Cody was on brake, we were home one night an forgot to block the stairs. So what does Sprout do???? Starts to climb the stairs of course! So Cody decided to find out where she wanted to go instead of just bringing her down. Well after climbing the stairs she went in to her room, the bathroom, and our bedroom. Just off exploring!

On another note Sprout is getting her third tooth! One of the top ones to help her two little bottom one out a bit. But since she is getting a new tooth that means its really bad nights for the time being... poor thing just can not sleep well at all. I know I say this a lot but it is so true! I can not believe how much she is growing up! 

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