
Friday, January 10, 2014

Let the Party Planning BEGIN!!!!

Spout is going to be 1 in just over a MONTH!!!!! Where has my little baby gone! She was SO little! She has grown so much! We had a Dr.s appointment today to check on her ears since she still had an ear infection! UGH!! Anyway she now weights 15 lbs 8 oz and is 26.5 inches tall!!! WHOOT!!! She is finally getting taller!

On to party planning! I think I decided when she was born that I wanted to do a Valentines Day 1st birthday party( Cody had no idea), but to me that was a tad bit to general so I went searching on my go to research site.... Pinterest! When I started I found this Amazing photo of Heart and cupcake shaped cookies. And that is where my theme came from!

I love how cute and girlish it is with out being straight Valentine's Day. So my next thing I have is her birthday banner. I got my circut out and did what I do best! Crafting time!!!

Turned out pretty great, right??
Next thing is Invitations which I will be ordering really really soon! They are just SO cute!!! I love them! It is one of the first ones I found!  I am having so much fun planning her birthday!

 One great thing about making this banner is I now have a small business making birthday banners for others! It all started with me posting mine on my mom's group that has over 200 people in it and one of them wanted me to make one for their little girl! Soon I had 10 orders!!! I am now up to 20 orders! Here are a few that I have done already! 

This last one is going around a highchair!! Great idea! 

Finally because I know you all are waiting to see her, we had some fun with the camera today! (She is a bit in love with showing off her tongue lately)

This says "Okay Mom, enough pictures."

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