
Friday, January 17, 2014

1 year pictures

I know I have been MIA for a bit. I have been so busy with orders it is crazy! I am up to about 30 orders! Here are some more that I have finished!

I have now have about 30 orders! Just to think it all started with me posting this picture on my March Moms Group! 

Yesterday we got Sprout's 1 year pictures done! I am SO EXCITED to see the rest of them! They were valentines day themed to go with her valentines day birthday!

I love them and can't wait to see more!

And the BIGGEST NEWS!!!! Sprout has FINALLY said MAMA!!!! I thought I heard her say it the night before she turned 11 months but she would not say it again, so I can't be too sure. But she DEFINITELY said it on the 14th when she turned 11 months! The best gift ever! Now you will her talking and all o a sudden she will just say Mama... the of course a few seconds later Dada.

She and Cody have a very special bond. You would to if you had this man hold you for almost 2 hours after being born while mom was getting put back together (yes it took them over an hour to put me back together), Give you your first meal (since I was still in surgery), Change your first diaper and give you your first bath ever! They have a connection like I have never seen! When Cody comes down from the bedroom she will stop what she is doing to get to him! I love it and am so happy they have this special bond.

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