
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lyla's Hospital Trip

So I am realizing with two kids it is so much more difficult to actually make time to sit down and blog. So I am a bit behind with this one.

Last month Lyla was admitted to the hospital overnight (it really seemed like it was two days and really I think it was but we went in so early). A few days before Sprout's 3rd birthday Sprout started showing cold symptoms. No much I could do but  I made sure to keep her away from Lyla as much as I could and made sure I fed Lyla as often as possible to give her the antibodies to help keep her healthy in hopes she would not get sick. Well to my utter dismay by Wednesday Lyla was congested and not happy.

I called the on call nurse on Thursday to get some advice on other ways to relieve her congestion because she was so pitiful. While talking to the phone nurse she heard Lyla cough in the background and said "Oh I want her seen tonight. That cough sounds like an RSV cough." So the earliest appointment they had was at 5:30 pm that night. We go in and by this time Lyla has not been eating very often and did not have many wet diapers. She had lost a few oz. as well. The dr basically said she wasn't going to send in to the hospital yet but she wanted me to keep a SUPER close eye on her over night and if there was any kind of change for us to go strait to the er. We were also to go to the hospital if she refused to eat for more than 5 hours. They did test her for RSV but said it would take 12 hours to get it back.

So we get home an I get the girls to bed. Well Lyla was having such a hard night and refused to eat for 5 hours that once Cody got home I packed Lyla and myself up to go to Kalamazoo to the ER ready to be admitted for a few days. Cody and I decided that he and Sprout would come up to the hospital and see us in the morning since I took Lyla to the hospital at 1 AM.

We get to the hospital and we are sent back very fast. I talk to about 4 different people and all tell the same story that she was fine not even two days ago and this came on SO fast! They suctioned her out so many times but not even seconds after they were done you could hear more mucus in her nose. So after 4 hours and her refusing to eat more than 3-5 minutes they gave me the choice of going home or staying. At this point I just wanted her to be comfortable and I was really worried about her getting dehydrated that I decided she needed to stay just even for my own peace of mind.

After getting up to her room I was kind of able to get some sleep not much since they were coming in to check on her so often and to suction her nose out with the power sucker. They had me keep all of her diapers and keep track of her feeding. They were weighing all of her diapers and would weigh her at each shift change. The next day my Pediatric Dr. called us and told us Lyla tested Positive for RSV.

She did lose a bit more weight while there. We were discharged Sunday morning because while she lost a tiny bit of weight she was overall doing OK at maintaining her weight and the insurance company would not cover her stay after that. Were told to make a Dr. appointment for the next day. I was also told that we would be getting seen every day until it was much better.

The next day the Dr. was not surprised we ended up in the er and admitted to the hospital and she warned us that this was going to be a long road till she was all the way better. We made another appointment for the next few days and finally by that Friday she was over the worse of it.

This was SO stressful for myself and Cody. We were so happy when she started to sound better and acting more herself than just a blob. I will say the one thing that was a positive about her getting RSV was Lyla's green bowl movements went back to mustard yellow. We had been battling green BM's for almost 2 months at this point. She was gaining weight and happy and did not seem to be in pain so I never though I would have an over supply. Especially since I could not produce enough to breast feed Sprout. I even did block feeding (doing multiple feeding on one breast then switching to the other for multiple feedings) for 3 days and it did not change anything. It took her not eating for almost a full week for my supply to no longer be an over supply!

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