How Old: 2 Months/ 9 Weeks
Weight/Height/: Lyla is 10 lbs 3 oz (21%), 22 inches tall (28%). and her head circumference is 15 inches (45%)
Sleep: Lyla sleeps very well at night! Thank the lord! She will sleep 5-6 hours normally for the first stretch and then every 2-3 hours after that before wanting to be fed again. Naps are a different story. She can either have AMAZING naps or not sleep at ALL unless I am holding her.
New Foods: No food yet. She is exclusively breast fed. This was one area that was my biggest worry. I was never able to have the supply to be able to breastfeed Sprout. I had to always supplement with formula with her and by the time she turned 6 months she was 99% formula fed.
Health Issues: Lyla has been diagnosed with severe acid reflux, colic, and for a while they thought she was dairy intolerant as well. We had an upper GI done last week to make sure all of her anatomy was correct because how much she has been spitting up. Everything came back normal so then we were sent to see the GI Dr. He believes that Lyla will just be a spitter and that she is happy and healthy.
He also told me after almost two weeks dairy free and her bowl movements haven't changed that he suggested I go back on dairy to get the nutrients to help me breastfeed. I am allowed on it until I see blood in her stools.
Now the colic I am hoping she will grow out of in the next month or so. Right now she has a pretty long witching hour. It is from 6-10 normally where not much soothes her besides a bath. And of course I can not keep her in the bath for 4 hours since I have to take care of her sister and make us dinner and put Sprout to bed. We are working on a routine but it is hard.
Best Moment This Month: My favorite thing that happened this month is having Lyla smile at me for the first time! She now smiles at me all the time. She smiles at her Daddy and at her sister as well. They are some of the cutest smiles ever.
Milestones: We are mastering head control, tracking, and that whole smiling gig!
Upcoming Appointments/Events: Lyla's 2 month appointment is next week.
What I look forward to: I can not wait to see her get a little bit older to start having fun with her sister. Sprout wants so bad to hold her, play with her, pick her up. Soon enough Lyla will be too heavy for her sister to pick her up. Which will cause me less heart attacks.
Monthly Wisdom: No matter how hard it is to have a newborn it is not for long. in about a month they will be sleeping much better, which mean you will be sleeping better.
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