You know "THAT" Mom. Weather it is that mom that hovers over her child 24/7 or that Mom at the playground on her phone while her child is playing. We have all judged those moms. We have all said we will never be "That mom".
Well guess what? I am that mom! I am that mom that buys her kid clothes from the "expensive" stores. I am that mom that for the most part does not feed her kid processed foods. I am the mom that co-slept with her baby till she was 10 months old. I am that mom that is a car seat nazi. I am that mo8m that does not put a big puffy coat on her baby in that car seat. I am also that mom that still has her rear facing in her car seat. I am that mom that CLOTH DIAPERS her baby! I am that mom that made my own baby food!
But you know what?? I am also that mom that lets her Child play with her Iphone/Ipad. I am also that mom that lets my child watch tv before she is 2. I am that mom that not only breastfed but also had to formula feed as well. I am also that mom that has given her child juice. I am also that mom that shops mostly at the second hand store. I am also that mom that has gotten so frustrated with her kid that she has yelled at her. (And then quickly started to cry and apologize) I am also that mom who has been on the playground on my phone while my child has been playing.
You know what I have figured out since becoming a mom? WE ARE ALL "THAT" MOM! We all do something that other people will judge us for. Weather it be using cloth diapering your child vs. disposable diapers, Making your babies food vs. buying it from the store, co-sleeping vs in their crib, extended rear facing your child vs. turning them when they are 1 and 20 lbs. Breastfeeding vs. Formula feeding. We all judge other moms for their choices.
I for one try really hard not to judge other moms. You want to buy your baby's food instead of making it? I don't judge! You use disposable diapers instead of cloth? No judging here! Your baby was in their own crib in their room since the first day you brought them home?? I applaud you! I could not do that! (Even if I wanted to I couldn't since we had a 1 bedroom apartment at the time!) You started formula feeding in the hospital?? Your baby is being fed. Isn't that the most important thing??!?!
Now if you are doing things that could harm your child and you actually know that it could harm your child and you are still doing it? YES I will judge you pretty darn hard! I may not say it to you and you may never even know I judge you. But I really do judge you! For example If you have a 1 year old forward facing and they are less than 20 Lbs even by a few ounces?? I judge you and will most likely say something since IT IS AGAINST THE LAW! If you put a puffy coat on your baby in the winter I will most likely judge you. There are so many resources out there for you to see what happens when you have a puffy coat child in a carseat and you get in an accident. It is pretty scary and is the reason why I don't do puffy coats!
I am sure a lot of my friends and even maybe my family judge me on some of my choices. Actually I am sure some of my family doesn't understand why I am doing what I do but for the most part they respect my decisions.
I never thought I would be doing some of the things that I do or have done. I never thought I would cloth diaper Sprout but you know what? It is SO much CHEAPER than buying disposables! Plus they are way too cute! I never thought I would make her food! When she was a baby and now I don't feed her very much processed food. When I learned that baby food had a shelf life of 3 years that kind of grossed me out to think about what they had to do to that banana or apple to make it ok to eat after 3 years. Now I know you all have seen me give Sprout baby food pouches. I have really relaxed in this aspect of feeding Sprout. As for her not getting very muched Processed food... It is cheaper for me to make things home made then it is for me to buy them in the store. Yes it may take more time for me to make dinner but that is okay by me. You will find out I do most of the things I do to save money. I feel that it is my job to save money anywhere I can since we are a one income family.
You know not to long ago before our family pictures I was up in Grand Rapids to do some things for a wedding Sprout and I were in. I went to the mall up there to get a shirt for Cody for the family pictures. Well I went in to Baby Gap on a whim just to looks around. Normally I really don't like what they have in the store it's not really my style. It just so happened I found the most adorable and cute dress I have ever seen and it would have been perfect for our family pictures! You know what? Aside from Sprout's Flower girl dress this is the most money I have ever spent on clothing for Sprout. The dress was $30. Now the first thing I did was go on my phone get on and looked for a coupon. I found one and it brought the dress down to $22. I was still really unsure if I was comfortable paying that much for a dress that she was most likely going to only wear once... But then I decided to myself that I would make sure she would wear it more than once and that I was okay with spending this money on my child. The dress made the pictures even that much more adorable!
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