Quick update about Sprouts stats! At her 15 month apointment she is 18 lbs (still < 3%), she is now 28 3/4 in tall (Yahoo!!! She is finally on the chart at 9% for height!!!) and she now has 9 teeth! She is still in 9 month clothing, some 12 months but mostly 9 months. She is walking, running, climbing, and talking all day long! She is getting pretty good with using a fork and a spoon (it's still a complete mess when she feeds herself yogurt or oatmeal), oh and she loves singing and dancing!
There is one thing I really like about living in BC... there are SO many parks! If i feel like we need to get out but don't know where to go I just pull up the list of parks in BC and choose one! So far we have been to about 5 different parks! I think Sprout and I both enjoyed the park we went to today the most!
It had a play structure which was great... a bit too old for Sprout but she loved going down the slide. But the best part is it was on a lake with beach access about a 3 minute walk away! We spent more time in the lake/ on the beach then we did at the playground!
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