I really enjoyed writing my first
5 things I love about Sprout post a few months ago so I decided to do another one!
1.) You keep me on my toes! As someone who has been helping raise children through neighborhood children, family, and teaching my toddler and preschoolers, as well as going to school for education. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what you should be doing and when. What I didn't take in to account was that you have your own plans for your life. You like to surprise people and do things in your own way.

As a late term preemie, I was told by most every doctor that you will be doing things a bit later than other babies your age. You had to of been listening and said to yourself " Challenge ACCEPTED!"
At 12 days old you started rolling over with purpose.
At 5 months you started to crawl before you learned how to sit up by yourself.
At 6 months you were pulling yourself up on to things and standing.
At 7.5 months you decided you no longer needed to eat baby food and you wanted "real" food. I say "real" because even though she was eating what I was eating I still blended it up in the baby bullet.
You also were drinking out of a straw at this time too.
At 9-10 months you were going down the stairs by yourself. Not just going down but going down facing forwards.

At 12 months you decided you finally wanted to walk! This is one thing you were very stubborn on. you could walk before you were one but you didn't want to. You also started using the potty shortly after your first birthday. (Usually once or twice a day but I was still so proud!)
By 15 months you were holding crayons, pencils, and pens the correct way. As well as using a fork and spoon.
And finally at 17 months, you are stringing beads on pipe cleaners, climbing up climbing walls at the playground by yourself for the most part, started putting shorts, skirts, and pants on by yourself!
Just when I tink I know what you can do and get you something that that I think will challenge you, you prove me wrong! I showed you how to put a bead on the pipe cleaner TWO times! Only TWO times and you were doing it all on your own!
You are constantly making me think and change up my game! I'm always looking for new things for you to do to help you learn. You are so smart! You also love to read, learn colors, shapes and numbers. I hope your thirst of knowledge never diminishes!
2.) Your love for others. You love other people so much! You really love babies, especially your baby cousin Kurt. You are so gentle with him when you give him kisses and hold his hands. You also really love your kitties! They are some of your favorite things! They may not appreciate your kisses or you picking them up (well at least you trying to anyway) to give them big hugs! But I know they love you too!

You also now randomly grab your Dad's and my face and make us look at you, give us a kiss or hug. Multiple times usually! Every time you do that my heart becomes a huge puddle! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
I hope you will always have this trait of compassion and kindness. It will help you so much in life.
3.)I love that you still cuddle with me! You are at an age that most children are too busy exploring to slow down and sit for a little bit. You snuggle in and release a sigh of contentment. I know soon enough you will no longer want to do this. I hope not, but I am not going to be surprised if it happens one day soon. I also love that you will still sleep on me. The dishes that need to be washed, the laundry that needs to be folded and put away, and the toys that need to be picked up will always be there. You on the other hand will not always be this small. You will not always need me. You will grow up and become (I hope) a kind, considerate, self- confident, independent young lady. I will most certainly miss this time with you.
4.) I love that you are a water bug! You love water, weather it is your nightly bath, going to the lake, a tub full out on the porch, the pools at your Grandparents house's or the kitty water or toilet bowl (Much to my enjoyment!) If there is water around you want to be in it! I am sure you get this trait from me since I am a water bug myself and I am so happy you love it as well! You are not scared of getting water in your face and now actually do it to yourself now!
5.) Your fearlessness!! You are scared about very little in this world! You love throwing yourself when you are in someones arms or sitting on my lap. You love flipping, being thrown up in the air, swinging, climbing... anything that could give me a mini heart attack you LOVE it!! I hope you keep this quality about you through out your life. No matter now many heart attacks I am going to have because of it!