
Friday, October 11, 2013

Weeks 33 and 34

The past two weeks Sprout has been growing by leaps and bounds! While she has been pulling herself up for a while now but now she is learning to bend down and pick things up and also starting to learn how to get back down. She is spending most of her time on her feet or knees.

 This is where I normally find her if I leave the room.

Sprout has been sleeping better! Finally!!! She is now sleeping usually until 8! There was one morning that I woke up before her. It totally freaked me out. She is going down still at 7:30 most nights. sometimes earlier and sometimes a little bit latter.

Sprout has been eating everything she can get her hands on! Last night i gave her some of the left over homemade meat sauce from the lasagna I made this week. She of course LOVED it. I have made her home made pancakes and she devoured them. She loves yogurt and Cheerios .

We are still working on Sign language with her. She knows "more" and we are still working on "all done". I have now added "eat" I think next ones I am going to do are help, diaper, and bottle or milk. I haven't decided what one I want to teach her.

Sprout has been doing a mix between an army crawl and a hands and knees crawl. She has for the past few days gotten more of the hands and knees crawl... until her knees slip out from under her. I know she will get the hang of it here really soon!

With us moving next week, I may be a little late on the post but I'll post ASAP!!!!

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