I can honestly say I LOVE making Sprout's food for her! I have so much fun making up new mixtures and combos! It actually relaxes me. Crazy as that may seam it is true. It makes me feel so great to know that I prepared the food for her. Don't get me wrong store bought baby food is perfectly fine option out there. I just chose not to use it.
When I was pregnant I was researching EVERYTHING baby related. I am sure it drove Cody CRAZY! When the ladies in my mom group brought up baby food I started looking into why I would want to make my own food. I never put much thought in making it... Why would I when it's all ready done and waiting for me????
Well what I found out made me change my whole outlook on how I wanted to raise Sprout. I learned that baby food has a shelf life of 3 years. 3 YEARS?!!!!? A thought hit me... Would I EVER give my child a 3 year old banana that I had on my counter at home??? NO! So then the question of why does baby food had a shelf life of 3 years in the first place? I mean that is really a long time. Well in my research I found that the answer to my question was that they heat baby food to such a high temp that no bacteria could possible live. But here is the kicker.... nether can the nutrients. The stuff that is so important to a growing baby has been diminished to almost nothing.
So my choice was made for me. I was going to make Sprout's food for her when the time came. Who would have known I LOVE it so much?! I know exactly what is going in Sprout's body and where that food came from.
Monday, October 28, 2013
It has been a while...
Wow it has been a while since I was able to post! A lot has happened in our lives! We moved a good amount of our stuff to our new place. We still have some more to move but we have time for that.
Sprout has been cutting TEETH! Yes I did type that right! She is now cutting her second tooth! She won't anyone near her mouth to check them out, or take a picture for that matter! The only way I saw the second tooth was because she was chewing on a marker as we were carving pumpkins.
Speeking of pumpkins, we carved our first pumpkins and I tried to do the lovely Pinterest baby in a pumpkin picture. Here is what it is supposed to look like
Sprout has been cutting TEETH! Yes I did type that right! She is now cutting her second tooth! She won't anyone near her mouth to check them out, or take a picture for that matter! The only way I saw the second tooth was because she was chewing on a marker as we were carving pumpkins.
Speeking of pumpkins, we carved our first pumpkins and I tried to do the lovely Pinterest baby in a pumpkin picture. Here is what it is supposed to look like
Cute right???? Well this is what we got!
Not exactly what I was looking for!
But I did get some better ones.... Just not in the Pumpkin!
She was very facinated with Cody opening and cleaning the pumpkin as well.
Oh and she kept trying to eat the seeds!!!
While I have been away Sprout has been getting more stable on her feet and is now letting go of one hand. She is also now doing the regular hand and knees crawl and is getting pretty fast at it too! Finally she is now trying to climb up our stairs. She is still a little too short as her legs keep slipping off as she is trying to pull herself up.
Here is a cute video of us playing! Just becasue!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Weeks 33 and 34
The past two weeks Sprout has been growing by leaps and bounds! While she has been pulling herself up for a while now but now she is learning to bend down and pick things up and also starting to learn how to get back down. She is spending most of her time on her feet or knees.
This is where I normally find her if I leave the room.
Sprout has been sleeping better! Finally!!! She is now sleeping usually until 8! There was one morning that I woke up before her. It totally freaked me out. She is going down still at 7:30 most nights. sometimes earlier and sometimes a little bit latter.
Sprout has been eating everything she can get her hands on! Last night i gave her some of the left over homemade meat sauce from the lasagna I made this week. She of course LOVED it. I have made her home made pancakes and she devoured them. She loves yogurt and Cheerios .
We are still working on Sign language with her. She knows "more" and we are still working on "all done". I have now added "eat" I think next ones I am going to do are help, diaper, and bottle or milk. I haven't decided what one I want to teach her.
Sprout has been doing a mix between an army crawl and a hands and knees crawl. She has for the past few days gotten more of the hands and knees crawl... until her knees slip out from under her. I know she will get the hang of it here really soon!
With us moving next week, I may be a little late on the post but I'll post ASAP!!!!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Welcome Fall!
This past weekend was SO much fun! We went to Gull Meadow Farms with my Mom and Renea. We had a blast! We took lots of pictures and then went Apple Picking and got Sprout her first pumpkin! Ginny has a bit of a cold so by the end of our 2 hours there she was exhausted and fell asleep within 5 minutes of getting in the truck.
Cody and I have decided this is going to become a yearly thing to go and get her picture in the chair and at the measurement chart!
Still under 2 feet!!
Cody and I have decided this is going to become a yearly thing to go and get her picture in the chair and at the measurement chart!
Wagon rides were a Big hit!
She tried to eat the apple right then and there sans teeth!
So Sunday we were out at Dad's once again. And I decided since we are moving in 2 weeks that I was going to FINALLY prep her cloth diapers. I only have 12 and need to get some more or else I am going to be doing laundry EVERY night. So I used my new cloth diaper laundry detergent Rockin Green. It smells like watermellon!!!! Does you clothes smell like watermelon?!?!?! NOPE! It smells so yummy!

Well we decided to go ahead and to put one on her for over night. I chose my Bumgenius Freetime Lovelace diaper. It did AMAZINGLY well! I will definatly be putting her in a cloth diaper tonight as well!
Finally I have been working really hard on Sprout's Halloween costume! I decided when I was pregnant that if I had a girl I was going to make her a Peacock her first year. I found the best picture for inspiration and decided that it looked easy enough I could do it! I finally Finished her outfit and tried on all the pieces on her and here it is!
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