
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Lyla 6 month update (plus 4 month update)

How Old:  6 Months/ 26 Weeks

Weight/Height/: Weight is 13.65 lbs (8%) 
                           Height is  24.5 inches (8%)
                           Head is 16.69 inches (45%)
She has a big head!
Sleep: She is still a very good sleeper. She normally goes down at 8-8:30 and wakes maybe once a night then is awake for the day at 7. Really I think Sprout wakes her up when coming in to our bed. Otherwise I think she would stay asleep till 8-9
New Foods: We are trying all kinds of new food! She is really loving what I call her Green Goddess inspired food. It has Apples, White Peaches, Kiwi. and Spinach. Since you really can't taste spinach it is a perfect add in to any baby food to get some dark greens in to baby! 
Health Issues: Ugh we are back to having health issues. Lyla is constipated and has trouble having BM's. The Pedi has said how she is built down there this is going to be a life long battle. I am going back today and will be asking to see if we need to go see the GI Dr. 

As of right now she is on a diet to help with the constipation. She has to have each of these every day. 

1.) 2 oz. peach, pear, or prune Puree
2.) 1-2 oz. Prune juice 
3.) Add one tsp. of Miralax to juice if she doesn't start pooping everyday. (This is the last step I still have to add but I really don't want her to become dependent on it) 

It is a good thing for us that she actually likes prunes!

We also are working with Lyla on gaining MORE weight! She isn't gaining enough as her Percentiles keep dropping. I am starting to wonder if I just make children who are small/ gain weight slowly.

Right now Lyla is getting around 24 oz. of milk every day. That is the minimum that is recommended. We have been to see a Lactation consultant and we are working on trying to get my supply just a tiny bit more. Which is completely ironic since I had an over supply in the beginning. I am now pumping 3-4 times a day trying to get my breasts to understand it needs to make more milk. Not the easiest thing to do to when you have 2 girls who required a LOT of attention.
Best Moment This Month: I loved seeing her enjoying the grass for the first time! She kept rubbing her legs and feet back and forth like you would if you were making a snow angle.

Milestones: The saying that the second child does things quicker is very, very true! Lyla has been crawling since 5.5 months old and now at 6 months is starting to pull herself up to standing! She also will let go of my hands and stand there for about a tenth of a second. I am in shock over this. The fact that she is letting go of my finger on purpose is amazing to me!
Upcoming Appointments/Events: Her next well check is not till 9 months but we are taking her in today to see if her ear infection is back. She has been playing/ hitting her left ear a lot lately and is not doing it to the other ear
What I look forward to: I am not sure if I am really looking forward to too much at the moment. I really just want her to slow down and stay my baby. She is doing things so quickly! I want to savor and relish in every part of her babyhood because I can't believe it is already half over!
Monthly Wisdom: We have made it through half a year! It has been the FASTEST 6 months of my life! I have a feeling it will only be going buy faster and faster.


How Old:  4 Months/ 16 Weeks

Weight/Height/: Lyla is 12 lbs 7 oz (22%) and 24 inches tall (36%)
Sleep: Lyla sleeps very well at night! Thank the lord! She will sleep 5-6 hours normally for the first stretch and then every 2-3 hours after that before wanting to be fed again. Naps are a different story. She can either have AMAZING naps or not sleep at ALL unless I am holding her.

This is literally what I said in the 2 month update and it is still 100% true!
New Foods: I have started with some foods. When Lyla decided to snatch my oatmeal spoon out of my hand and shoved it in her mouth I decided I would start slowly adding foods for her. She doesn't REALLY need food as she is going weight well with just breast milk.

Since she had my brown sugar oatmeal she does not really like her plain oatmeal. She does really
Health Issues: I want to say 99% of all of Lyla's health issues have been resolved! I had an oversupply that was causing most of the issues. Lyla still has silent reflux but it is now mild enough that we no longer have to give her medicine for it. She no longer has green bm's, the colic is gone (Thank the Lord!) She still has her nights of not wanting to go to sleep or taking longer to fall asleep.
Best Moment This Month: I love that she has been giggling so much this month! I am also so grateful that she can now roll over both ways!

Milestones: Lyla is rolling Front to Back and Back and she has been laughing a lot. She is very ticklish just like her daddy and big sister.
Upcoming Appointments/Events: No appointments till 6 months
What I look forward to: I am looking forward to start feeding her foods. She has been hawk-eyeing me as I am eating for a little while now.
Monthly Wisdom: Personalities are going to start shining through now! Lyla's personality is so amazing and I love her more and more every day!