My darling sweet girl,
How are you 3 years old already! I know I have been saying this in every letter to you but it seems just like yesterday we brought you home! Your Daddy and I are so proud of the smart, curious, determined little girl you are turning in to!
This past year has been a year of tremendous change for you. Not only did we find out we were pregnant with your first younger sibling only to loose he/she just before your 2nd birthday but we found out about 2 month later we were pregnant with your sister Lyla! That time between our angle baby being gone and finding out about Lyla I held you tighter, longer, and more often. You got me through one of the hardest points in my life. You reminded me that life does go on and you needed me. You needed my attention, my love, my time, just me! You helped me heal.
You were so forgiving when I was so sick that I couldn't do anything but lay on the couch from morning sickness. You gave me tiny kisses. You asked if I was okay every time I rushed to the bath room. You patted my back and said "You ok??" " Love you Mama"
You pushed EVERY SINGLE button I had MULTIPULE TIMES! You drove me crazy! You made me question what right we had to have a second child. And then it was like a switch was flipped. You would climb up on the couch and cuddle up to me and snuggle in deep while we watched a movie.
We had lots of fun in the summer with lots of water park fun! We went to lots of parks. We played outside a lot when I wasn't sick 24/7. We had fun with LOTS of friends.
You have learned SO much! You amaze me every day with how much you have learned. You can count to 20. Sing your ABC's, know all your colors and shapes, and recognize most numbers and letters by sight. You can draw a few shapes and we are working on writing letter and your name!
At the end of your year as a 2 year old your life was changed forever! Your sister was born! During the whole pregnancy you were addiment that we were having a girl and you were getting a sister! Well kiddo you were right! Lyla came kicking and screaming into our family December 9th!
Oh how you LOVE your sister! You are always asking to hold her or hug her or say hi to her. You want her to sleep with you at night. You are an amazing helper (sometimes too much of a helper ;) ) We are now helping you learn how to change a diaper! You are having so much fun learning!
You have grown so much (well not physically) this past year! I know you will continue to grow and learn and be a blessing to our family. You made us parents and you are the only person to be able to say that!
We love you very much.
Mom and Dad 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Monday, March 7, 2016
Sprout is 3!!!!
I can not believe it has been 3 years since I became a mom! It has been an amazing journey so far and I can not wait to see what is in store for us!
Sprout has a bit of a obsession... anyone want to take a guess????
If you said Gymnastics you would be correct!!
She is in LOVE with doing gymnastics. She loves watching the older kids do gymnastics. She love watching gymnastics on the tv. She loves watching the past Olympics on youtube. She love practicing gymnastics at home! I think we may have a problem!
When I asked Sprout what kind of birthday she wanted she said Harry Potter! The fan girl in me was thrilled and I went off planning. As I got closer to my due date I found out our gym actually did birthday parties super cheep!! It was perfect! The kids would get an hour in the gym to play and do what ever their little hearts desired and then we would get a half hour to open presents and eat some cake!
So I decide to ask Sprout if she wanted to have a gymnastics birthday and she shouted YES at the top of her lungs! So off I went on planning. I really didn't want to do that much planning since I was going to have a newborn when we had her party. I went pretty simple this year. I did table cloths, a giant 3 balloon, her cake, and some favors for the kids who came! Easy Peasy!
I absolutely LOVED Sprouts Cake!! She actually picked out her own cake off of Pintrest and I just had them make it in to a sheet cake since it was a small round cake. It was also delicious! We had an AMAZINGLY TALENTED family friend do our invitations for us. I send him a few samples of invitations I like and then I basically give him free reign to do what he wants. He always make the most beautiful invitations for us!
For the favors each child got their own personalized water bottle with their name on it! Inside of it was a bit of candy and for girls a few hair ties and boys got a matchbox car! Everyone also got a gold medal to wear!
All of the kids had a blast in the kids gym and when I say kids I also mean dad's as well! We actually went to the sister gym since unfortunately our gym was booked the 3 weekends around her birthday! I think the biggest hit was the trampoline track that went in to a foam pit with a rock wall (Both kids and dads LOVED this!) I think this is where 90% of the party was at! The next big hit was the GIANT Bounce house with a slide! By the time we got to the party room the kids needed a juice box or two just to cool down!

Sprout had such an amazing birthday surrounds by some AMAZING friends! She had so much fun playing with everyone! She loves all the gifts we were given as well! We just want to say thank you to everyone who came and being a part of our special little girls life!
I can not believe it has been 3 years since I became a mom! It has been an amazing journey so far and I can not wait to see what is in store for us!
Sprout has a bit of a obsession... anyone want to take a guess????
If you said Gymnastics you would be correct!!
She is in LOVE with doing gymnastics. She loves watching the older kids do gymnastics. She love watching gymnastics on the tv. She loves watching the past Olympics on youtube. She love practicing gymnastics at home! I think we may have a problem!
When I asked Sprout what kind of birthday she wanted she said Harry Potter! The fan girl in me was thrilled and I went off planning. As I got closer to my due date I found out our gym actually did birthday parties super cheep!! It was perfect! The kids would get an hour in the gym to play and do what ever their little hearts desired and then we would get a half hour to open presents and eat some cake!
So I decide to ask Sprout if she wanted to have a gymnastics birthday and she shouted YES at the top of her lungs! So off I went on planning. I really didn't want to do that much planning since I was going to have a newborn when we had her party. I went pretty simple this year. I did table cloths, a giant 3 balloon, her cake, and some favors for the kids who came! Easy Peasy!
I absolutely LOVED Sprouts Cake!! She actually picked out her own cake off of Pintrest and I just had them make it in to a sheet cake since it was a small round cake. It was also delicious! We had an AMAZINGLY TALENTED family friend do our invitations for us. I send him a few samples of invitations I like and then I basically give him free reign to do what he wants. He always make the most beautiful invitations for us!
For the favors each child got their own personalized water bottle with their name on it! Inside of it was a bit of candy and for girls a few hair ties and boys got a matchbox car! Everyone also got a gold medal to wear!
All of the kids had a blast in the kids gym and when I say kids I also mean dad's as well! We actually went to the sister gym since unfortunately our gym was booked the 3 weekends around her birthday! I think the biggest hit was the trampoline track that went in to a foam pit with a rock wall (Both kids and dads LOVED this!) I think this is where 90% of the party was at! The next big hit was the GIANT Bounce house with a slide! By the time we got to the party room the kids needed a juice box or two just to cool down!
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