
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sprout Update

So this is going to be a hodge Podge of a post! Just warning you all early on!!

So we had Thanksgiving with Dad again this year but we also had some amazing, wonderful guests come as well! One of my bridesmaids, BFF. I have literally know her since she was born, and an aunt to Sprout: Aunt Angel and her mom Jen came over. It was one of the best Thanksgivings we have had in a long time! The food was AMAZING as usual (Thanks Dad!!!), the conversation was great and I don't remember laughing so much in a long time! 

Poor Sprout was not feeling well and really only ate her corn that day. She still isn't feeling the best and is having some potty issues so I will be calling the Dr tomorrow to get an appointment to get her feeling better. Last time she was checked she was back down to 20 lbs. She is 32 inches tall! So almost double her birth height! 

She is finally starting to get more words and is using them correctly! I am hoping this means we are going to have a few less tantrums. Although now that she knows certain words I now wish she didn't know them!!!! The top 4 would be "Shake Shake" "Ba ba" Tinker Bell" "Frofen". Which all mean Shake it off, All about that Base, Tinkerbell movie, and Frozen. I hear these words about 100+ times a day! Oh and she is now in LOVE with her first boy band..... One Direction. I thought I still had about 10 years before this began! 

While she is now 21 months I have started planning her birthday party!!! I am so excited for this party! Just like last year this is more than a party! It is celebrating that we have made it another year through all ups and down and all the illness and fun times.  

We have decided this year to do what was supposed to be her 1 year birthday theme... Farmland! I am so excited to do all the decorations and see her eyes light up when she sees all of the farm animals she knows. Here are some of my pictures that are my inspiration!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A New Letter to Sprout

Dear Sprout,

You are 21 months old. You are at an age where you are soaking up SO much information! You are in the middle of a big verbal boom! Not to long ago I asked you if you got a ball and with a huge radiant smile on your face you looked at me and exclaimed "I GOT IT!!" I looked at you in utter shock and started laughing. You are so very smart and are catching on to so many things! I am so proud to be your mom! We are so blessed you are in our family.

Your personality is showing more and more every day. You are happy, outgoing, independent, determined, curious, a boundary pusher, a limit tester (right now your are climbing on top of your activity table), feisty, sassy, silly, caring, helpful, thoughtful, mothering, creative, and so many other traits I could not possibly list!  While most days right now you make me want to pull out my hair a few times a day, I would not want it any other way! I know right now I need to put so much energy, time, and effort in to you but in a very short time you will older and I will miss this time. I will miss not being able to go to the bathroom by myself. I will miss you right under my feet. I will miss you looking right at me and pour out your water on the table/couch/floor just to see what the water will do. I will miss you trying to delay nap or bed time by saying "Mama?" And when I say "What do you need?" You grab my face and give me a kiss. You do this about 10 times right now. I will miss you bringing me the same book to read to you for the 100th time that day.

There is one thing about you that has grown even more. That thing is the love of your dad. I can not express to you how much you love your dad. Like in the last letter I wrote you, you two have a very special connection. When I get you out of your bed in the morning and walk back in our room your sleepy eyes light up and you squeal "DA-DA!" Your crawl right over to him uncover his face and give him kisses. Then when he wakes up for the day to get ready for work and you hear the shower turn on, you turn to me look at me with such excitement and ask "Dada Knock Knock?" Which in Sprout language mean "Can I go upstairs to knock on the bathroom door until Dad lets me in to take a shower with him?" It is the cutest thing to see every day. You then have to go stand on the bay window when he leaves the house and wave bye-bye from the window as he drives away. I hope you two are always this close! I know you will disagree when you are older (especially when you are a pre-teen and teen!), but done worry I will always help with the negotiations!

I am so beyond blessed to have you as my daughter. You are just perfect as who you are!