
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Family Update

So I know it has been about two months since my last post and what can I say... life happens. In that time we have done lots of fun things. We had a cousin's 1st Birthday, Easter and Mother's Day! We had lots of play dates and just fun life things. I thing the biggest new we have is WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!!!!!

I am due December 16th and we are beyond excited! I will be doing a pregnancy update every with with a lovely list of questions. This pregnancy has NOT been easy on me at all this time! I have pretty sever morning sickness and usually get sick at least once a day if not more. I again have extreme fatigue again like I did with Sprout. Sadly this time I don't get to sleep 12+ hours a night. As of today I'm 9 weeks 4 days. Like I planned on doing with the pregnancy I lost I am going to be doing weekly updates.

How Far Along: 9 Weeks 4 Days
Weight Gain/Loss: I am not to sure on this but I think I am up 4 lbs
Sleep: I love my sleep! I sleep pretty well at night and then I normally take a 2 hour nap with Sprout
Best Moment This Week: Going in to Babies R Us to go look which double stroller we are going to get! 
Movement: Too Early 
Food Cravings/Aversions: I have a ton of aversions but it is mostly from smells. My cravings are mostly sweet things again so far as well as Mexican food. I could eat enchiladas or burritos everyday! 
What I Miss: Being able to sleep on my belly. Already it is uncomfortable to lay totally on my belly at night.
Stretch Marks: No new ones that I can see.
Belly Button: In It never popped out with Sprout
Wedding Rings: On
Mood: My hormones are running like crazy. I am pretty moody lately. Sadly I know I take it out on my family a bit more than I should. But that should be going away soon! (I hope)
Labor Signs: None
Milestones:   We have passed the week I miscarried in January so I have very relieved by that!

Upcoming Appointments/Events: High Risk Dr (MFM) on the 27th with an ultrasound! 
What I look forward to: I am so excited to see this little bean on the 27th. I know I will be getting LOTS of ultrasounds this time around from the beginning!
Weekly Wisdom:  Everything can wait. When you feel so sick all day and all you want to do is sleep. It is okay!